Saturday, February 3, 2018


(A deviation from my blog on true crime!)
I've been telling myself this for 20 years! So, what has been stopping me? Well, 20 years ago I become a web designer when the internet first became available and every website was made with simple html, which was incredibly ugly!
As the years went by I tested all the new web portal providers that came along such as Geocities, MSN, Lycos, Excite, Wix, FrontPage, Wordpress, Joomla and of course Blogger!
My day job, by the way, was Instructor for CompUSA. I taught everything from Microsoft's HTML Certification Prep to Microsoft Office.
Outside of work I bounced back and forth working on my two websites, one built in FrontPage and the other in Blogger. FrontPage was eventually discontinued and that left me with Blogger.
I love Blogger but alas, it attracts very little traffic on its own since there is absolutely no where to customize meta tags and descriptions. I am dismayed every time I display my small list of articles to see that I have barely more than 50 page views in the YEARS that I have had the blog going.  That led me to experiment with content management systems, aka CMS.
The first time I put up a Joomla site on Host Gator (don't do it! Siteground offers a much better suite of services) I started getting traffic from day one. I determined this using my web host's built in free traffic analytics. I also used Wordpress but it was very restrictive, prevented me from having any other CMS on my web host and required too much coding. Backing up was also inconvenient.
So, long story short, what took me so long to start a nich site is that I couldn't make my mind up between WordPress and Joomla. After all the fiddling around, I have decided to start my niche site building career as an Amazon Associate with Joomla and NOT Wordpress (Gasp!) because of one simple matter - it allows me to have one website that acts like many. For instance, I can blog on 10 different topics (arranged into categories) with each category having it's own style or template. This allows me to login in one time and have access to all of my niche sites. Each category has its own look and its own menu system so that visitors have no clue that I have other topics on the same site.
I can have multiple domain names pointed at each category because Joomla uses Search Engine Friendly URLS, which means I can customize the page names. I can point at MyWebsite/jetskis.html.
To successfully set up a Joomla site like this, the templates should all have the same positions and should be from the same company.  In other words, one template with 10 different customizations.
The best tutorial I have found to date is from OSTraining at
 So what if I have 200 categories? I'd be stretching myself thin with that and besides, I'd run out of nodes on my web host. Nodes are an indicator of how many files one has on an account. This can be viewed from the web host's control panel.
If this happens, it's time to call your web host for an upgrade.
Well, I'm off begin installing my new Joomla site on SiteGround so that I can apply for an Amazon Associate Account. That's right, you heard it, Amazon won't even consider you until you have a fully developed site with traffic coming to it, so get moving!
If I'm successful, you won't see me back here on Blogger. Sorry Blogger! I will be off sailing around the world as I blog from my laptop and upload links from random port cities.
Adios Amigos!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Killing Fields: The Exterminator

In the summer of 1979 I was kidnapped after being carjacked on I-45 on my way home from my evening job at Foleys, in the Alameda Mall. It was one a.m. in the morning and as a young college student I was all too aware of the area's notorious reputation for serial killers but not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would fall victim to the Killing Fields, as it was known!

Several years earlier, two friends had disappeared, Rhonda Johnson and Sharon Shaw. Their bodies were found a year after their death. Rhonda's custodial parent was the incumbent Mayor Johnson and a close friend of my father. Although Michael Lloyd Self was incarcerated for the crime, the true perpetrator was Edward Bell, a surfing instructor. Let me make it clear, Michael Lloyd Self was no innocent. He was the neighborhood pedophile and all the kids knew it, including Rhonda. Both myself and my best friend had been accosted by him and we knew better than to be anywhere in his view.

Yes, I have many secrets to tell about these crimes, an insider's view, but it will literally take a book to tell the story. It is complicated and twisted. But, that is the goal of my book, to catch the killer I got away from and to bring the scum bag to justice. No, his name is not Self or Bell. This stranger is still out there, most likely married to a woman who puts up with his abuse. He is just another one of the serial killers trolling the area, but if I can expose him, it will be the satisfaction of a lifetime.  I've been trying for 3 decades to get law enforcement to help me to no avail. Even the relatives of the many victims have turned a blind eye to my story. They say they care but their lack of action speaks louder than words.

I was just plain lucky to have escaped on foot from The Exterminator, as I now call him, after he tried to strangle me to death.  His goal was to leave my body in the killing fields but I was able to outwit him. The police failed me also, they knew who he was and they let him go.

I'm posting this information now because you never know what can happen in the future. I had a heart attack two months ago and I'm not going to wait for the book to be finished to start the hunt. I've sat on this long enough. Due to the length of time The Exterminator held me hostage, I know quite a bit about him. I suspect he was the son of someone in law enforcement or city management. Coincidentally, the person who owned the Killing Fields property was in law enforcement. I know this because one day as we drove to the mall, passing the property, my mother told my sister and I about the man who once rented pony rides out to unsuspecting parents. I wonder how many older children wandered by themselves on their bikes back to the property to catch a glimpse of the horses... This was in 1971, not long after Renee and Sharon disappeared.

The police protected The Exterminator back then after I was rescued by a passerby in Clear Lake City and driven back to the crime scene where officers from five different divisions stood around and shot the breeze. I am sure they are still protecting him today. I'd say he is about 68 now. The Exterminator drove a red pickup truck with extermination hoses rolled up on reels in the back of his truck bed.  He had a wife and a child. I won't say too much about his appearance because I have to have something to screen out false information people might give me.  I imagine that infant would be about 36 years old these days. Do you think this young adult knows that their daddy was a serial killer?

If you know the answer to that million dollar question please feel free to make a comment here. Better yet, if you know someone who fits this description, let me know.  I am older and wiser now and a whole lot tougher. He got away from me once and I don't plan on it happening again.

FOOTNOTE: Regarding Michael Lloyd Self. A Houston Chronicle reporter, Lisa Olsen, called him "brain-damaged" in a 2015 story, and in Appellate Court his mother said he was easily intimidated. This is what I have to say to the both of you. He had no problem unzipping his fly the day he accosted me at age 12 in a public place. His brain was fully functioning. Do you really think that the Webster Fire Department would have enlisted him as an active volunteer fireman if he was mentally deficient? He wasn't impaired, he was downright stupid and perverted.

Friday, April 4, 2014

South Gainesville, Texas Without Power Following Arrests

Gainesville, Texas -  Got home from work tonight around 11:30 PM and got a call from a friend/co-worker living south of California St. telling me that all of south Gainesville is without electricity. The electric company, TXU/Oncore, said that it won't be restored until tomorrow morning. My friend spoke with her neighbors and they said there had been a shooting and somehow the shooting and the power outage was connected. I drove down to S. Grand and California, and sure enough the road was blocked by police cars and five people were in handcuffs, sitting on the ground at the Conoco gas station. Anyone with information is welcome to comment below. None of the television stations, KXII and KTEN, are open to get further details.

NOTE: Follow up is that TXU denies that there was any connection between the arrests and the power outtage, and they also refuse to give a statement as to what actually caused the problem. The weather and skies were clear.  Apparently one of these criminals must have hit a power pole with their vehicle or in some way caused damage to electrical equipment.

Friday, February 21, 2014

UFO ALIEN AUTOPSY? Cattle Mutilations near Lake Texoma and Sherman, Texas

On February 17, 2014 - Who would expect a story about cattle mutilations to appear so close to home? The article first appeared on the KXII television website last Monday, with a $10,000 reward being offered for information leading to the offender. Hmmmm... I guess that's a safe offer that one will never have to pay if the criminal is an alien. But hey, at least $10,000 will bring out all the debunkers who bring lots of publicity to the matter. These kind of debunking events help promote to tons people that this is real and it is hitting close to home.
The calves had their uteruses cut out with laser like precision, with no blood spilled on the frozen ground. The issue is of course that last Monday there was no snow in Texas. All that was over with. The weather was clear and sunny was the grass. The ground was only frozen under the calves bodies.
Now you tell me, what do you think they are insinuating? And why do they have to insinuate? It's well known now that every astronaut since the beginning of time has admitted to seeing UFO's on their missions and they have done so on television and in reputable main stream documetaries broadcast on popular channels such as Discovery, Science and National Geographic. You can find some of these popular archival shows by going to YouTube and searching for "UFOTV Cattle Mutilations."
An interesting thing to note is that the most famous incident to date is the relocation of the Plum Island biowarfare cattle testing facility from New York to a university campus in Kansas City. You can find documentaries about this on You Tube also, the most professional notable being one done by Jesse Ventura. How coincidental is it that a top secret military cattle experimentation facility is established just a 10-hour drive from here and now this bizarre calf mutilation occurs?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2/20/2014 Home Explodes in Ardmore Oklahoma - Meth Lab Suspected

February 20, 2014 Ardmore, OK - A home exploded in Ardmore today, killing two children. I wasn't able to find anything in the news or on the internet about it so the most I can offer here is word of mouth from residents. The children are apparently toddlers, ages 2 and 5 possibly, and they died when the home exploded. Gases from their parent's meth lab is the apparent culprit. The mother and father escaped seconds before the disaster, leaving the children inside.